Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cougar Town with Courtney Cox

Hi, I hope this finds you well! 

I'm posting to tell you about a super fun experience I had recently! On May 25, I played 'Lisa' in an episode of ABC's "Cougar Town" opposite Courtney Cox. 

It was one of those lucky things. The casting director, a friend of mine, called me last minute to come down to the audition. He knew I'd acted in a bunch of independent films, and said I should come try out for the role. I did. Days passed, and I thought that there was no way I got it. Then I was getting my hair cut, my phone rang and I saw that the caller was from the L.A. area code. I answered, and just about fainted when they told me I got the part. I freaked.

But then suddenly I was nervous. What if I couldn't do it? What if I freaked out acting opposite a big star? Seriously! What if I lost my ability to speak?? 

A few days later, even more nervous now, I drove to the set. It was up on Oahu's North Shore at Turtle Bay resort. They directed me to my trailer to change. Yes, I had a trailer! :) I felt so cool. Of course, it's hard to enjoy all that when you're sweating bullets. I went to hair and makeup, and they made me feel at home and pampered. The day was long. They called us to the set several times, but then changed their minds as shooting was going slowly on the other scenes. Finally our scene came up.

On set, Courtney was extremely professional and nice. I immediately forgot my nerves, which was great, and was somehow magically able to focus on the task at hand. We were all in the water, and it was a lot of fun. I got the feeling the whole crew was enjoying being away from the studio and on a mini-work-vacation in Hawaii.

What was crazy was the amount of paparazzi. Photographers had rented the hotel rooms looking over the pool, and were leaning out every window with huge camera lenses. On set, PA's held up umbrellas to block the flashbulbs from ruining the takes.

The episode was the show's season finale. Entertainment Weekly ran a small bit about it. I couldn't believe it when I saw my picture there, credited and everything! 

An excellent time all around. 

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